Saturday, August 25, 2012

sap fico jobs in india

all India jobs
the above jobs search engine has 300 plus jobs sites in india. It has all IT/BPO/Banks/Govt/pharma  jobs in all states  all over india.
U need not visit any other jobs site as it includes all jobs sites and apart from that every month it gets updated by adding new jobs sites.U can apply for u dream job from this unique jobs search engine.
How to search.
eg: u need a jobs in hyderabad then just  type jobs in by location
eg2:u are looking for java or any technology jobs then type java jobs or java jobs in mumbai etc
eg3: if u are looking for bank jobs then type banks jobs in india or type particular banks name  so as with govt jobs
eg4::u can type  bpo jobs or bpo jobs in banglore etc.
So i wish all the best

freshers send resume in word format to
exp guys send resume to
Note: do not attach resumes just copy paste your resume in email body and in subject mention your details like
for freshers
passed out year qualification location skill set 
for exp guys 
mention your exp your  qualification,location 
Please do not attach resume and freshers send only to and exp guys end only to
we will submit your resumes to companies/consultancy* etc

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